Prof. Dr. Marco Heurich
Professor of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Biology

Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald
Head of the Department of National Park Monitoring and Animal Management
Freyunger Str. 2
94481 Grafenau,
08552 9600-136
08552 9600-100
Professor of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Biology
Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources
University of Freiburg
Tennenbacher Straße 4
D-79106 Freiburg
- 2015 – 2016 Habilitation University of Freiburg; thesis: Predation patterns of the Eurasian lynx and development of a scientific basis for it´s conservation
- 2002 - 2006 Doctorate in Forestry, TU München; thesis: „Evaluation and development of methods for the automatic detection of forest structures with airborne sensors. (summa cum laude)
- 1999 - 2003 Master of Science in Geographical Information Science and Systems University of Salzburg (passed with distinction).
- 1990 - 1994 Bachelor in Forestry at the University for Applied Science Weihenstephan-Triesdorf (passed with distinction/best in class).
- 1989 Abitur (German university entrance qualification), Winfriedschule Fulda
Work experience
- Since 2023 Head of the Department of National Park Monitoring and Animal Management
- Since 2021 Full Professor at the Inland Norway University of Appllied Science
- Since 2020 Associate professor of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Biology at the University of Freiburg
- Since 2019 Head of the Department of Visitor Management and National Park Monitoring
- March 2001 deputy head of the Departement of Conservation and Research. Field of responsibility: Wildlife ecology, conservation biology, forest dynamics, remote sensing.
- February 1996 Employee of the Bavarian Forest National Park Administration. Forster for particular purposes in the Department of Nature Conservation
- 1995 - 1996 Managing Administration Officer at the forestry district of Gunzenhausen
- 2015 “Earth vision 2014 Best Paper Prize” der International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Active learning approach to detecting standing dead trees from ALS point clouds combined with aerial infrared imagery.
- 2014 “PCV 2014 Best Paper Prize” der International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Technical Comission III Photogrammetric Computer Vision. Detection of fallen trees in ALS point clouds by learning the Normalized Cut similarity function from simulated samples.
- 2007 Lennart-Bernadotte-Preis für Landespflege. Der mit 5000 Euro dotierte Preis ist der einzige dieser Art in Deutschland und zeichnet insbesondere hervorragende wissenschaftliche Arbeiten aus, die zum Ausgleich zwischen Technik, Wirtschaft und Natur im Sinne der 1961 beschlossenen „Grünen Charta von der Mainau“ beitragen.
- 2003 FORE (Forest Research Environment) Scholarship as a visiting researcher at the University for Agricultural Science Sweden.
- 1993 -1994 Scholarship for highly gifted students of the Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung.
Voluntary engagement
Reviewer for the following funding organisations: Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, BiodivERsA, Humboldt Foundation, Biodiversa EU Horizon 2020 Programme for Research and Innovation; Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Chair of the EuroLYNX network ( and EuroWILDCAT network ( to facilitate collaborative research on these species.
Scientific coordinator of the Data Pool Initiative for the Bohemian Forest Ecosystem ( with the intention to promote research on the application of remote sensing for protected area management.
Research interest
My fields of interest are applied ecology, conservation and remote sensing. In these fields, I am trying to understand the role of large mammals in structuring ecosystem processes. Starting with the effects of large predators on their prey and meso-carnivores at the higher trophic levels and continuing with the effects of large herbivores, such as ungulates and beavers on forest regeneration and species diversity in general. Here also, a plethora of human impacts come into play, such as direct effects of hunting or illegal hunting, recreational activities, habitat loss and deterioration, etc. Understanding how these activities interact with wildlife and its environment is crucial to find approaches that help to mitigate the current biodiversity crisis. Therefore incorporation of human dimensions is inevitable. Methodological I am working with camera trapping, sound recording, telemetry, forest surveys and I focus on remote sensing as a crucial tool for mapping habitat and environmental conditions with high accuracy from the local (drone, plane) to the continental scale (satellite). Also the direct linkage of remote sensing and ecosystem patterns, especially biodiversity, in the context of Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBV´s) is a key aspect of my research.
Currently supervised PhD Researchers:
Main supervisor
- Matteo Bastianelli: The role of road density in shaping behavioural responses of middle- and large-size carnivores and large herbivores in Europe (Second supervisor: Simone Ciuti; University of Dublin)
- Anne Peters: Effects of outdoor recreation and hunting on wildlife behaviour-creating a basis for evidence-based visitor and wildlife management (Second supervisor: Carsten Dormann, University of Freiburg)
- Stefano Palmero: How to monitor cat species in an efficient way? (Second supervisor: Stephanie Kramer-Schadt; Leibniz Institut für Zoo- und Wildtierforschung)
- Simon König: Satellite-based approaches to the monitoring of bark beetle infestations (Second supervisor: Paul Magdon, Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften und Kunst Göttingen)
- Marc Velling: Synergistic effect of reproduction, predation and parasitism on movement behaviour (Second supervisor: Atle Mysterud; University of Oslo)
- Max Mangold: Digital Visitor Management in National Parks – Exploring the Effects of Digitalization in Outdoor Recreation on National Parks and Best Practices of how to prevent them. (Second supervisor: Manuel Steinbauer, University of Bayreuth)
- Ye Htet Lwin: Does tourism matter in large mammal conservation of the developing world? A case study in Alaungdaw Kathapa National Park, Myanmar (Second supervisor: Hjalmar Kühl, Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz)
- Janine Ritz: The role of wild boar cadavers in the disease dynamics of African Swine Feaver. Second Supervisor (Second supervisor: Andreas Zedrosser; South-Eastern Norway University)
- Yutong Linang: Movement patterns, mate choice, and inbreeding avoidance in a solitary carnivore (Second supervisor: Stephanie Kramer-Schadt; Leibniz Institut für Zoo- und Wildtierforschung)
- Noemi Squillaci: Learning from protected areas: exploring human-wildlife dynamics in the Mediterranean basin to improve conservation practices in multi-use landscapes. (Second Supervisor: Paulo Alves, University of Porto)
- María Alejandra Cuentas Romero: Spatial analysis of anthropogenic threats and risks of change in the habitat configuration of the European wildcat (Felis silvestris), and proposals aimed at its conservation in Western and Central Europe (Second supervisor: Florian Hartig, University of Regensburg)
- Walter Di Nicolas: Impact of the return of the wolf (Canis lupus) in the anthropogenic landscape of central Europe (Second supervisor: Dries Kuijper, Mammal Research Institute)
Second supervisor
- Eva Sánchez Arribas: Verbesserung von Konnektivitätsprognosen für gefährdete katzenartige Beutegreifer-Populationen (Europäische Wildkatze und Eurasischer Eurasischen Luchs) in Deutschland durch Einbeziehung von Kognitionsprozessen in individuenbasierte Modelle (First supervisor: Stephanie Kramer-Schadt; Leibniz Institut für Zoo- und Wildtierforschung)
- Cécile Carpentier: Predator-prey dynamics of Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) (First supervisor: John Linnell; Inland Norway University of Applied Science)
- Anaïs Lazzaroto:Spatial Ecology of the genus Lynx : comparative home range size and shape variation, habitat selection and dispersal across species and populations under different levels of human-induced habitat changes and environmental features (First supervisor: Sébastien Devillard, University of Lyon)
- Mengxi Kou: Decision-making framework for local stakeholders based on impacts of metacoupled tourism on human-wild boar conflicts in warm temperate climate zone (First supervisor: Christof Mauch, University of Munich)
- Desiree Guidobaldi: Landscape utilization of large and long-lived herbivore in multifunctional forestland Wiebke Neumann Sivertsson (First supervisor:
- Charlotte Lorand: Assessing effects of human disturbance on wolf behaviour and energy expenditure using biologging tools (First Supervisor: Ane Eriksen, Inland Norway University of Applied Science)
- Clarissa Schill: SASSCAL Antelope Project: Optimizing research selection under different environmental stressors (First supervisor: Emily Bennett, University of Botswana)
Completed Theses
- Adam Smith: Predator-Prey Interactions in Multi-Mammal Systems (Second supervisor: Simone Ciuti; University of Dublin)
- Svitlana Kudrenko: Predators vs. superpredators: how humans shape large carnivore movements, habitat use, and abundance in Eastern Europe (Second supervisor: Andreas Zedrosser; South-Eastern Norway University)
- Sebastian Dersch: Combining graph-cut clustering with object-based stem detection for tree segmentation in highly dense airborne lidar point Clouds (Second supervisor: Peter Krzystek, University of Applied Science Munich)
- Maik Henrich: Evaluation and optimization of methods to estimate population densities of unmarked species from camera trapping data (Second supervisor: Carsten Dormann, University of Freiburg)
- Joe Premier: Einbeziehung genetischer Prozesse in ein individuenbasiertes, räumlich-explizites Populationsmodell zur Entscheidungsunterstützung im Naturschutzmanagement am Beispiel des Luchses
- Suzanne van Beek Calcoen: Effects of large predators in anthropogenic landscapes
- Julian Oeser: Neue Ansätze zur Nutzung von Satellitendaten für die Modellierung von Großsäugerhabitaten
- Severin Haunenstein: African elephant poaching, population dynamics and demography
- Franz Johann: Activity and space use of wild boars (Sus scrofa L.)
Current projects
- BIG_PICTURE: Developing data management and analytical tools to integrate and advance professional and citizen science camera-trapping initiatives across EuropeUsing artificial intelligence and remote sensing to monitor forest health under climate change
- Using artificial intelligence and remote sensing to monitor forest health under climate change
- Use of artificial intelligence and individual-based modeling in animal disease control
- Ecological effects of the return of wolves on the forest ecosystems of the Bohemian Forest Ecosystem (Bavarian
- Development and implementation of a forest ecosystem monitoring in the Bavarian Forest National Park (Interreg Bayern-Tschechien)
- Ungulate Monitoring in German National Parks (Federal Agency for Nature Conservation)
- Movement ecology of wild boar from the local to the continental scale
- Scientific examination of the role of wild boar carcasses within the scope of African swine fever outbreaks (Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft)
- Effect of habitat parameters on the decomposition rate of red deer cadavers in relation to biodiversity in insects, wildlife and microorganisms
- Monitoring of the lynx population in the Bohemian Forest Ecosystem
- Effects of recolonising beavers on the biodiversity of streams in the Bavarian Forest National Park
- Conservation of rare tree species in the Bavarian Forest National Park
Finished projects
- Assessment of predator-prey systems in wilderness areas in Eastern Europe (Frankfurt Zoological Society)
- Analysing the effects of recreation and Hunting on wildlife and ecosystem process as a Basis for Visitor and wildlife Management (Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz)
- Risk assessment for wildlife of the invasive parasite Giant Liver fluke (Fascioloides magna)
- Expansion of Eurasian Lynx in Central Germany (Thüringer Ministerium für Umwelt, Energie und Naturschutz)
- Effects of large predators in anthropogenic landscapes
- Expansion of Eurasian Lynx in Central Germany (Thüringer Ministerium für Umwelt, Energie und Naturschutz)
- Dung beetle communities in Forest ecosystems with large herbivores (Heinz-Sielmann-Stiftung)
- Optimierung von Naturschutzleistungen und der Erholungsnutzung in Großschutzgebieten zur Entscheidungsunterstützung für das Schutzgebietsmanagement. Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt.
- Neue Wege zu einem grenzüberschreitenden Rotwildmanagement in Zeiten des Klimawandels. Gefördert durch Mittel der Europäischen Union. Interreg. I
- FirST 2.0 – Forstschadensinventarisierung basierend auf rapiden Satellitentechnologien
- Grenzüberschreitende Kartierung der Waldökosysteme – Weg zum gemeinsamen Management in NP Sumava und NP Bayerischen Wald. Gefördert durch Mittel der Europäischen Union. Interreg.
- WilDa - Dynamische Wildunfallwarnung unter Verwendung heterogener Verkehrs-, Unfall- und Umweltdaten sowie Big Data Ansätze. Bundesministerium für Verkehr.
- Assessment of illegal killing levels of the Bohemian-Bavarian-Austrian lynx population. WWF Germany.
- 3D CO2 Forest Großflächenanalyse von Waldstrukturen und des CO2-Vorrats mit Hilfe von Fernerkundungsdaten. Bundesministerium für Umwelt. Kooperationspartner.
- EUFAR training course on Airborne remote sensing for monitoring essential biodiversity variables in forest ecosystems in the Bavarian Forest National Park and at DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Meteo-France,
- Analysis of the predator-prey-relationships between wolf and red deer under natural conditions im Biesczady Nationalpark Polen. WWF-Germany
- Wildtiermanagement in Deutschen Nationalparken. Bundesamt für Naturschutz.
- Untersuchungen zum Raum-Zeit-Verhalten des Rothirsches im Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald.
- Verjüngungsentwicklung in den Hochlagen des Nationalparks Bayerischer Wald mittels Stichprobeninventur.
- Erprobung einer Lidar-gestützten Waldinventur im Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald.
- Modelluntersuchungen zum Wildtiermanagement in Schutzgebieten am Beispiel des Nationalparks Bayerischer Wald. Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt.
- Aufbau eines systematisches Fotofallenmonitoring von Luchsen. WWF-Deutschland
- Erforschung der Ökologie von Luchs, Reh und Rothirsch als Grundlage für den Schutz von Wildtieren in den Nationalparken Bayerischer Wald und Ŝumava. Projekt gefördert durch Interreg IIIb, Sponsoring durch Telekom Deutschland.
- Die Entwicklung der Waldverjüngung nach Einstellung der Rehwildjagd. Projekt gefördert durch Mittel der Europäischen Union. Interreg IIIb. Erprobung und Entwicklung eines praxistauglichen Verfahrens zum Monitoring von Großsäugern in Waldgebieten mittels innovativer simultaner, luftgestützter Infrarot- und Echtbild-Aufnahmen. Die Entwicklung der Waldverjüngung nach Einstellung der Rehwildjagd. Projekt gefördert durch Mittel der Euroäischen Union. Interreg III b.
- Erstellung und Auswertung von Modellen zur räumlichen Ausbreitung und zur Populationsdynamik des Borkenkäfers im Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald.
- Die Räuber-Beute-Beziehungen zwischen Luchs, Reh und Rothirsch. Projekt gefördert durch Mittel der Europäischen Union Interreg IIIb und der Jagdabgabe Bayern.
- Der Einfluss von Störungen in Folge von Borkenkäferbefall auf die die Baumartenvielfalt. Projekt gefördert durch Mittel der Europäischen Union. Interreg IIIb.
- Koordination und Durchführung des Projektes: Umfassende Waldinventur anhand eines Stichprobennetzes und Kartierung der Waldentwicklungsstadien 2002. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Forstdirektion Niederbayern Oberpfalz und dem Fachgebiet für Forsteinrichtung der Technischen Universität München.
- Aufbau von floristischen und faunistischen Datenbanken. Projekt gefördert durch Mittel der Europäischen Union. Interreg IIIb.
- Koordination und Durchführung des Projektes 33-8: „Innovative Fernerkundungsmethoden zur Erfassung von Waldstrukturen“. High Tech Offensive Bayern.
- Nachhaltige Nutzung der HTO-Projekte an der Nationalparkverwaltung – Implementierung des Geodatenservers. High Tech Offensive Bayern.
- Research in Wildlife Ecology - Elective Track: Wildlife, Vegetation and Biodiversity/ MSc Forest Ecology and Management/MSc Environmental Sciences
- Protected area management - Elective Track: Wildlife, Vegetation and Biodiversity/ MSc Forest Ecology and Management/MSc Environmental Sciences